
There is no prayer in the creation story of man – Eastwood Anaba

The Founder and Overseer of Eastwood Anaba Ministries, has admonished Christians not to substitute work for prayer if they want to be successful in their businesses.

Not downplaying the importance of prayer in the life of the believer, Reverend Eastwood Anaba said it is equally imperative that the Christian works hard to live the comfortable life he or she desires.

“There is nothing wrong with prayer, but when prayer becomes a substitute to work, you are going nowhere. Truth is that we pray, but we are lazy. Many times, wherever Christians are, you will find laziness,” the clergyman said.

According to the minister of the gospel, “God created man to till the earth, and as soon as He [God] created him [man], He said work. When you read the creation of man, there is no prayer there”.

He made this remark in a sermon he delivered during a programme held under the theme, “Reposition”, at Desert Pastures, a branch of Fountain Gate Chapel in Bolgatanga.

Rev. Eastwood Anaba observed that there is some disparity between Christians and the secular world on basis of their living conditions due to level of commitment shown in their work lives, and as such, the secular group lives better because their lives are characterised by “hard work”.

Not derailing from the topic, he stressed the need for creative and innovative thinking among the working groups saying, “we must work with thoughtfulness because the most powerful people in this world are people who think”.

He continued: “There are many people who work but don’t think. When you go into our public service, civil service, in our churches, in our homes, you can see that many if the people are really working, but they are not thinking.”

Rev. Anaba therefore encouraged heads of institutions to work hard and put structures in place to ensure that their respective organizations are well managed and meeting their goals.

This he believes would help them rise in their careers and earn decent salaries that will improve upon their living conditions.




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