
‘I’m no angel, there is none in the church; we are all sick’ – Duncan Williams

The Founder of Action Chapel International, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, has chastised his congregation to stop reckoning gifted or anointed people as angels in the church.

“Those of you who see gifted people, anointed people as angels there’s something wrong with you,” he told them on Sunday March 13, 2022 during their second service.

He said those who perceive men as angels of God do not understand the Christian walk. “You don’t understand grace and mercy; you don’t understand the humanity and divinity of man,” the chaplain added.

According to Archbishop Duncan Williams, every man is predisposed to acting out sometimes for which reason the church must be considerate in dealing with their fellow worshippers in the church.

“One of the things we should be careful of that I said in the first service: ‘we have this notion, perception and belief that the church is for angels, it’s for holy people,’ and so when you come to church, you expect everybody to act like an angel and when people act out of character as fallen man that we are, even though we are redeemed as long as we live in this body and this flesh, every now and then, we’ll act like the fallen man and you must make room for that. We Must make room for mistakes. And we must stop expecting people to act like an angel” he said.

Stressing that “there is no angel in the church”, he noted that everybody who comes to the church has a need they seek to address hence must focus on getting their problems solved rather than expecting to see angels in the church.

“The same ope you find in the marketplace are the same people in the church. So when you come to church and people mistreat and mishandle you, stop being shocked.

“All this shock, I’m shocked. I’m surprised, I can’t believe it: you better believe it that everywhere human beings like you are, there’ll be problems. That is who we are. And the Church is not exempted.”

Meanwhile, he has admonished the worshippers not to leave the church for the misdemeanour of their fellows because the church is the safest place to be, likening it to the ark of God.

“Don’t leave the church, don’t come out of the ark. If you come out of the ark, the flood will drown you; it will carry you away.

And the enemy is looking for you out there, he can’t get you, so what he has to do is to come among us and trigger you, provoke you by some fallen natures of man, which we all have, including me, so don’t look at me like an angel. I ain’t no angel. I got feelings like you.”



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