
‘They’ve opened spiritual portal to fight themselves’ – Agyinasare to Nogokpo chiefs

The founder and leader of Perez Chapel International, Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, has reacted to the brouhaha surrounding a 14-day ultimatum for him to appear before the chiefs of Nogokpo following the “Nogokpo is the demonic headquarters of the Volta Region” statement he made.

Speaking during a sermon at his Church over the weekend, Archbishop Agyinasare was surprised that he was the focus of the nation for weeks in spite of all the challenges in Ghana.

He warned that anybody who chooses to curse a child of God does so at his own peril.

“The blessing of Abraham, ‘I will make your name great so that you can be a blessing’. And take the verse three, it says, ‘and I will bless anybody who blesses you and curse anyone that curses you’.

“Once I become a Christian, you make a mistake if you curse me. What is a curse? A curse is an invocation of spiritual forces to do you harm. So, if God says anybody who curses you, he will curse…”

He further stated that any person who pours a libation against a Christian sets him/herself up for a battle with the forces of God.

“What that person is doing is that they are activating a spiritual law, against themselves and their families… if they take a calabash filled with palm wine or a glass filled with schnapps or ‘akpeteshi’, once they pour it and call your name, they have opened a spiritual portal to fight them.

“If the world knew who we are and what we have, once we become Christians… you don’t joke with a child of God,” he added.


The 14 days ultimatum the chiefs of Nogokpo gave for Agyinasare to appear before them over his “Nogokpo is the demonic headquarters of the Volta Region” statement, expired on Friday, June 16, 2023.

The spokesperson of Nogopko, Nufialagah Mawufemor Kobla Nornyigbey, said that the chiefs and elders of Nogokpo would be meeting to determine the next set of actions to take against the archbishop.

“All the options are on the table for us. I mean all the options,” Nornyigbey said when asked whether the chiefs of Nogokpo are going to invoke their deity.

During the Supernatural Summit held at the Perez Chapel headquarters in Accra on May 25, 2023, Archbishop Agyinasare preached about divine protection and the existence of evil forces. In his sermon, he cited several examples to support his teachings, including an incident where his team experienced spiritual attacks after hosting a crusade in the Volta Region.

“During this crusade in Aflao… we slept at Agbozume, that was where our hotel was and you have to go through Nogokpo. And Nogokpo is the demonic headquarters in the Volta Region.

“We only have not said it but the second night I made Bishop Yaw Adu talk about witchcraft and we disgraced the witches and wizards. When we were driving from Aflao to Agbozume, immediately we got to Nogokpo, Bishop Yaw Adu’s four-wheel drive, the tyre came out from under the car,” he recounted.

Agyinasare’s statement went viral, leading to criticism from sections of the public.

In response, a press conference was held at the Royal Palace of the Dufia of Nogokpo, Torgbui Saba V.

The chiefs demanded the presence of Archbishop Agyinasare within the given period, accusing him of making derogatory remarks against them. They said he was to appear before them to explain the comments he made.



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